APP Opposition Groups:
Southern Poverty Law Center - The Center for Propaganda for Socialism in America which opposes CITIZEN MILITIAS
This is in Opposition of the Constitution as it was written and against the principles of Common Law... A REVERSE HATE GROUP -
SPL #1 SPL #2 patriot-movememnt SPL #3 entelligence-files SPL #4
This group say they want to protect on one hand - but then allow the deviant of society to brain wash and then misuse others or each other outside the Laws of Nature; Allowing for the existence of Voluntary Slavery and Slavery - Through the relinquishment of inalienable rights. This Group, Communist / Socialist in nature, places a form of "Subjugated Peace" under a central national government; Instead of abiding by the True Principles of Freedom established in small well represented and independent republics;
See John Locke with regard to such a "peace" word search LAMB on his Second Treatise on Civil Government.
They are a proponent of reverse hate; and are a proponent for the use of National Federal force, cumulated by government "laws" which have been created without authority - i.e. under the PRETENSE OF AUTHORITY.
See Virginia Resolution, James Madison, denouncing when the government makes itself, and not the Constitution the Measure of its powers.
States State Elections Division, Secretary of State Directory and State Constitutions:
Office of Secretary of State PO Box 5616 Montgomery, AL 36106 (334) 242-7559 FAX (334) 242-2444 http://www.sos.state.al.us /election/index.cfm
Alabama Elections and Voting http://www.alabama.gov/p ortal/government/voting.js p
Alabama Elections Division http://www.alabamaintera ctive.org/ http://www.sos.state.al.us /election/index.cfm
Alabama State Constitution http://www.legislature.stat e.al.us/CodeOfAlabama/ Constitution/
Alaska Elections Division and Voting: http://www.state.ak.us/loc al/akdir1.shtml
PO Box 110017 Juneau, AK 99811-0017 (907) 465-4611 FAX (907) 465-3203
Alaska State Government Directory http://www.state.ak.us
Alaska State Constitution http://ltgov.state.ak.us/co nstitution.php
Election Officer PO Box 3790 Pago Pago AS 96799 011-684-633-2522 FAX 011-684-633-7116 http://www.electionoffice. as
Secretary of State's Office 1700 W. Washington, 7th Floor Phoenix, AZ 85007 (602) 542-8683 FAX (602) 542-6172 http://www.azsos.gov
Arizona Elections Division and Voting http://www.azsos.gov/elec tion
Arizona State Constitution http://www.azleg.gov/Con stitution.asp
Arkansas Secretary of State http://www.sos.arkansas. gov
Secretary of State, State Capitol, Room 026 Little Rock, AR 72201 (501) 682-3419 FAX (501) 682-3408
Arkansas Constitution http://www.sos.arkansas. gov/ar-constitution/arcons t/arconst.htm
California Secretary of State http://www.sos.arkansas. gov/ar-constitution/arcons t/arconst.htm
California State Elections Division and Voting http://www.ss.ca.gov/elect ions/elections.htm
1500 11th St., 5th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 657-2166 FAX (916) 653-3214
California State Constitution http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/ const-toc.html
Colorado Secretary of State http://www.sos.state.co.u s
Colorado State Elections Division and Voting http://www.elections.color ado.gov
1700 Broadway, Suite 270 Denver, CO 80290 (303) 894-2680 FAX (303) 869-7731
Colorado State Constitution http://www.colorado.gov/d pa/doit/archives/constituti on/index.html
Connecticut Secretary of State http://www.sots.ct.gov
Connecticut State Elections Division and Voting http://www.sots.ct.gov/Ele ctionsServices/ElectionIn dex.html
30 Trinity Street Hartford, CT 06106 (860) 509-6100 FAX (860) 509-6127
Connecticut State Constitution http://www.sots.ct.gov/Re gisterManual/SectionI/ctc onstit.htm
Delaware Secretary of State http://www.state.de.us/so s
Delaware State Elections Division http://www.state.de.us/ele ction
111 S. West Street, Suite 10 Dover, DE 19904 (302) 739-4277 FAX (302) 739- 6794
Delaware Elections Directory http://delaware.gov/egov/ portal.nsf
Delaware State Constitution http://www.state.de.us/fac ts/constit/de_const.htm
District of Columbia Secretary of State http://www.os.dc.gov/os/si te
District of Columbia Board of Ethics and Elections http://www.dcboee.org
441 Fourth St., NW, Suite 250N Washington, DC 20001 (202) 727-2525 FAX (202) 347-2648
District of Columbia Home Rule Act http://www.abfa.com/ogc/ hract.htm
Florida Department of State http://www.dos.state.fl.us
Florida State Elections Division http://election.dos.state.fl. us/index.html
Room 316, R.A. Gray Building 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 (850) 245-6200 FAX (850) 245-6217
Florida State Constitution http://www.leg.state.fl.us/ Statutes/index.cfm
Georgia Secretary of State http://www.georgia.gov
Georgia State Elections Division Suite 1104, West Tower 2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, SE Atlanta, GA 30334-1505 (404) 656-2871 FAX (404) 651-9536 http://www.sos.state.ga.u s/elections
Georgia State Constitution http://www.sos.state.ga.u s/ELECTIONS/constitutio n.htm
Guam Secretary of State Governor of Guam http://guamgovernor.net
Guam Election Commission PO Box BG Agana, GU 96910 (671) 477-9791 Fax: (671) 477-1895 http://www.guamelection. org
Attorney General of Guam The Organic Act of Guam http://www.guamattorney general.com
Office of Elections 802 Lehua Avenue Pearl City, HI 96782 (808) 453-8683 FAX (808) 453-6006 http://www.state.hi.us/ele ctions
Idaho Secretary of State 700 W. Jefferson, Rm. 203 Boise, ID 83720-0080 (208) 334-2300 FAX (208) 334-2282 http://www.idsos.state.id. us/elect/eleindex.htm
State Board of Elections 1020 S. Spring St., PO Box 4187 Springfield, IL 62708 (217) 782-4141 FAX (217) 782-5959 http://www.elections.il.gov
Indiana Election Division 302 W. Washington, Rm E204 Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 232-3939 FAX (317) 233-6793 http://www.in.gov/sos/elec tions
Iowa Secretary of State Office 321 E. 12th Street Des Moines, IA 50319 (515) 281-5823 FAX (515) 281-7142 http://www.sos.state.ia.us
Deputy Assistant for Elections 120 SW 10th Ave. First Floor, Memorial Hall Topeka, Kansas 66612-1594 (785) 296-4561 FAX (785) 291-3051 http://www.kssos.org
State Board of Elections 140 Walnut St., Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 573-7100 FAX (502) 573-4369 http://www.kysos.com/ind ex/main/elecdiv.asp
Commissioner of Elections 8549 United Plaza Blvd. P.O. Box 94125 Baton Rouge, LA 70802-9125 (225) 922-0900 FAX (225) 922-0945 http://www.sec.state.la.us /elections/elections-index. htm
Secretary of State 101 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0101 (207) 624-7734 FAX (207) 287-5428
Elections Director 101 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0101 (207) 624-7734 FAX (207) 287-5428 http://www.maine.gov/sos /cec/elec
State Board of Elections P.O. Box 6486 Annapolis, Maryland 21401-0486 (410) 269-2840 FAX (410) 974-2019 http://www.elections.state .md.us
Election Division One Ashburton Place, Room 1705 Boston, MA 02108 (617) 727-2828 FAX (617) 742-3238 http://www.state.ma.us/se c/ele/eleidx.htm
Bureau of Elections Treasury Building, 1st Floor 430 W. Allegan Street Lansing, MI 48918 (517) 373-2540 FAX (517) 241-2784 http://www.michigan.gov/s os/0,1606,7-127-1633---, 00.html
Secretary of State 180 State Office Building 100 Rev. Martin Luther King Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55155 (651) 215-1440 FAX (651) 296-9073 http://www.sos.state.mn.u s/election/index.html
Secretary of State for Elections PO Box 136, 401 Mississippi St. Jackson, MS 39205 (601) 359-6368 FAX (601) 359-1499 http://www.sos.state.ms.u s
Missouri Secretary of State's Office PO Box 1767 Jefferson City, MO 65102 (573) 751-2301 FAX (573) 526-3242 http://www.sos.mo.gov/el ections
Deputy for Elections PO Box 202801 Helena, MT 59620 (406) 444-5376 FAX (406) 444-2023 http://sos.state.mt.us/css/i ndex.asp
Secretary of State State Capitol, Suite 2300 Lincoln, NE 68502 (402) 471-3229 FAX (402) 471-3237 http://www.nol.org/home/ SOS/Elections/election.ht m
Nevada Secretary of State 101 North Carson St., Suite 3 Carson City, NV 89701 (775) 684-5793 FAX (775) 684-5718 http://sos.state.nv.us
Secretary of State State House, Room 204 Concord, NH 03301-4989 (603) 271-5335 FAX (603) 271-7933 http://www.sos.nh.gov/ele ctionsnew.htm
Division of Elections Office of the Attorney General 44 South Clinton Avenue, 7th Floor P.O Box 304 Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0304 (609) 292-3760 FAX (609)777-1280 http://www.njelections.org
Director of Elections State Capitol Annex 325 Don Gaspar, Suite 300 Santa Fe, NM 87503 (505) 827-3620 FAX (505) 827-8403 http://www.sos.state.nm.u s/Main/Elections/ElectionI nfo.htm
State Board of Elections 40 Steuben Street Albany, NY 12207 (518) 474-8100 (518) 486-4068 http://www.elections.state .ny.us
State Board of Elections PO Box 27255 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7255 (919) 733-7173 FAX (919) 715-0135 http://www.sboe.state.nc. us
North Dakota Secretary of State 600 E Boulevard Ave Dept 108 Bismarck, ND 58505-0500 (701) 328-3660 FAX (701) 328-2992 http://www.nd.gov/sos
Ohio Secretary of State Director of Elections 180 E. Broad St., 15th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-2585 FAX (614) 752-4360 http://www.sos.state.oh.u s/sos/elections/index.html
State Election Board Room 6, State Capitol Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 521-2391 FAX (405) 521-6457 http://www.state.ok.us/~el ections
Director of Elections Office of the Secretary of State 141 State Capitol Salem, OR 97310 (503) 986-1518 FAX (503) 373-7414 http://www.sos.state.or.us /elections/elechp.htm
Commissioner of Elections 210 North Office Building Harrisburg, PA 17120 (717) 787-5280 FAX (717) 705-0721 http://www.dos.state.pa.u s/bcel/site/default.asp
Puerto Rico State Election Commission P.O. Box 195552 San Juan, PR 00919-5552 (787) 777-8675 FAX (787) 296-0173 http://www.ceepur.org
State Board of Elections 50 Branch Avenue Providence, RI 02904 (401) 222-2345 FAX (401) 222-3135 http://www.elections.state .ri.us
State Election Commission Post Office Box 5987 Columbia, SC 29250 (803) 734-9060 FAX (803) 734-9366 http://www.state.sc.us/scs ec
Election Supervisor 500 East Capitol Avenue Pierre, SD 57501 (605) 773-3537 FAX (605) 773-6580 http://www.state.sd.us/so s
Tennessee Secretary of State's Office 312 Eighth Avenue North 9th Floor Nashville, TN 37243 (615) 741-7956 FAX (615) 741-1278 http://www.state.tn.us/sos /election.htm
Director of Elections, General Law Division Secretary of State/ Election Division Post Office Box 12060 Austin, TX 78711-2060 (512) 463-5650 FAX (512) 475-2811 http://www.sos.state.tx.us /elections/index.shtml
Utah State Elections Office Utah State Capitol Complex East Office Building, Suite E325 P.O. Box 142325 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-2325 (801) 538-1041 FAX (801) 538-1133 http://www.elections.utah. gov
Director of Elections and Campaign Finance Office of Secretary of State 26 Terrace Street, Drawer 09 Montpelier, Vermont 05609-1101 (802) 828-2304 FAX (802) 828-5171 http://www.sec.state.vt.us /#elections
Supervisor of Elections Election System of the Virgin Islands Post Office Box 1499, Kingshill St. Croix, VI 00851-1499 (340) 773-1021 FAX (340) 773-4523 http://www.vivote.gov
Secretary of State, Board of Elections 200 North 9th Street, Room 101 Richmond, VA 23219 (800) 552-9745 or (804) 864-8901 FAX (804) 371-0194 http://www.sbe.state.va.u s
Office of Secretary of State, Elections Division Legislative Building, P.O. Box 40220 Olympia, WA 98504-0220 (360) 902-4180 FAX (360) 586-5629 http://www.vote.wa.gov
Manager of Elections West Virginia Secretary of State Elections Division 1900 Kanawha Blvd E. State Capitol Room 157-K Charleston, WV 25305-0770 (304) 558-6000 FAX (304) 558-0900 http://www.wvsos.com
Wisconsin State Elections Board 17 West Main Street, Suite 310 Madison, WI 53703-3305 P.O. Box 2973 Madison, WI 53701-2973 (608) 266-8087 FAX (608) 267-0500 http://elections.state.wi.us
Wyoming Secretary of State's Office 200 W. 24th Street Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020 (307) 777-3573 FAX (307) 777-7640 http://soswy.state.wy.us/e lection/election.htm
Federal Government Links:
Official US Department of State http://www.state.gov/
University of Chicago, Founders Constitution http://press-pubs.uchicag o.edu/founders/
Constitution.Org http://www.constitution.or g
Welcome to the American Patriot Party.CC
Opposition of Issues segment.
Below are links to issues we oppose in part due to conflicts to Common Law, Constitutional Principles and dangers to liberty and freedom.
1.) APP Opposition to the Fair Tax (National Sales Tax) and 8% Solution (Purchase Tax).
Understand this. This is a Lesson.
2.) It is NOT about WHO pays the tax; But it is WHAT the tax is paid FOR
To illustrate why any tax that uses fairness i.e. Jealousy to tax the wealthy, simply taxes the POOR harder and keeps them poor;
as well as eventually financially enslaves them.
First you need to recognize your ENEMY, and that enemy is "YOU".
1.) Ignorance 2.) Jealousy
Now to recognize it in yourself, I will make you not only jealous of me, I will make you hate me.
First I will tell you I am rich, filthy rich (I am not, but that is what I'm using to make you recognize jealousy i.e. your worst enemy which is YOU).
Next, I will make you hate me: "You miserable pathetic poor person! I have everything I want! EVERYTHING! More Money, Cars, big house(S), boats, I'm always on vacation because I never need to work! I make so much money! HA HA but YOU! You pathetic little poor person, you will always be poor! Working for little to nothing! What is more, you will never get my money! Because I am RICH! HA HA RICH! And I will keep you poor by being so RICH! I will pay you nothing just so to KEEP YOU POOR!"
Feel that little enemy called "Jealousy"? good.
Now let us examine why taxing because of jealousy of the wealthy will never work, and why taxes need to be directed at what a tax is FOR; and
Why taxing the wealthy only taxes the poor by passing on the "BURDEN" of the TAX:
Let's say I am a wealthy shoe maker, and there is no income tax; I make a shoe for .50 and sell it for $1.00 for a .50 profit.
Now lets say a Jealousy tax (income tax, sales tax, Flattax, Fairtax or other) is created on my shoe of .25;
As a good business man, I will look to maintain my .50 profit;
A good business man will attempt to absorb override ANY expenses by including them in the selling price, this INCLUDES "TAXES".
Below illustrates what happens when you attempt to tax the wealthy harder because of JEALOUSY i.e. fairness.
Cost of Profit Tax Final Cost Who pays the Who pays the actual Who benefits Manufacture of product tax via "tax form" BURDEN of the tax (Consumer)
.50 .50 .25 1.25 Shoe Company YOU Government-Unions-Corporations .50 .50 .50 1.50 Shoe Company YOU Government-Unions-Corporations
Now lets say that this makes you MAD, and you don't think that this is "FAIR" You are so "JEALOUS" that you want to force them to pay taxes that will reduce their profits; So you tax them harder! (brilliant) You tax them .75 on every shoe! The Shoe manufacturer realizes that he cannot sell the shoe on the market for 1.75, so to maintain his profit margin, he makes his shoes for less, either by reducing quality, reducing number of workers i.e. "downsizing" or becoming more efficient.
Cost of Profit Tax Final Cost Who pays the Who pays the actual Who benefits Manufacture of product tax via "tax form" BURDEN of the tax (Consumer)
.35 .65 .75 1.75 Shoe Company YOU Government-Unions-Corporations
Now your really MAD! (in more ways than one - as in insanity); So you Tax them even harder!!! 1.00 a shoe! The Shoe maker cannot manufacturer the shoe in the United States and maintain his profit margin; So he fires his workers and produces his shoes in China and also increases his profit margin.
Cost of Profit Tax Final Cost Who pays the Who pays the actual Who benefits Manufacture of product tax via "tax form" BURDEN of the tax (Consumer)
.05 .70 1.00 1.75 Shoe Company YOU Government-Unions-Corporations
This makes you HATE the shoe company; and in your Jealous insanity, you tax them 1.25 on every shoe!
The shoe maker closes shop, retires or invests in something different that is taxed less. China makes the shoe for .02 (manufactured in India) and is happy to make .73 per shoe.
Cost of Profit Tax Final Cost Who pays the Who pays the actual Who benefits Manufacture of product tax via "tax form" BURDEN of the tax (Consumer)
.02 .73 1.25 2.00 Shoe Company YOU Government-Unions-Corporations-China
Now the Consumer is stuck with paying 2.00 a shoe and a tax and bloated government that continues to create more BUREAUCRACIES that impose greater taxes to support their dependency on tax money;
To support their job dependency, they create more REGULATIONS that reduce free trade further.
This is how socialism advances.
Now you think the story ends here....
It gets MUCH better.
The Shoe maker creates a Corporation (state born exclusive privilege of cartel) with a few Union officials and lobbies congress for a military shoe contract using mostly India labor and produces a army boot for .05 and sells it to the military for 49.95!!! You might argue that a graduated income tax would make the company pay more taxes, but that would only compound the problem by giving more money to government, government contracts, Government Unions, Tax supported special interests and undelegated state and federal bureaucracies; a flat set percentage sales tax would only guarantee increase to government with an increase in the private sector.
Cost of Profit Tax Final Cost Who pays the Who pays the actual Who benefits Manufacture of product tax via "tax form" BURDEN of the tax (Consumer)
.05 48.20 1.75 50.00 Shoe Company YOU Government-Unions-Corps-India
Now do you understand why trying to tax WHO is futile;
This is because it is NOT taxing for the REAL PURPOSE of what taxes are "FOR";
The REAL PURPOSE of Taxes are "WHAT" the tax is paid "FOR" is for NECESSARY SERVICES;
That means ENUMERATED for actual cost of those services ONLY; ..... BEFORE "CONSENSUALY" (Very important) giving it to government.
This LIMITS the amount everyone has to pay.
NOT to throw a flat percentage tax amount from either sales, income or property that is collected far in excess of that, only to create more and more government dependency upon it.
The Democrats use Jealousy to increase Union government bureaucracies and tax supported Special Interest groups;
and Republican's (those that are corporate capitolists) Use the money derived from that jealousy to lobby for large government contracts also Union Contracts.
All are State born "Exclusive Privileged" and undelegated cartels which should not even exist in a free country.
Some important understanding is that:
1.) You cannot base taxation on who pays taxes simply through a "tax form" given to the government without considering who will actually pay the "BURDEN" of the tax.
2.) Often income tax only creates the role of tax collector on the part of who it collects taxes from, distorting who actually pays the "BURDEN" of taxation.
3.) Where taxes are considered by a service provider or manufacturer, which is almost considered by every business man, "EVERYONE" pays taxes;
4.) This absolutely discredits any reports that attempt to establish there is a percentage of people who pay ALL the taxes in the United States; as tax forms are far from the exclusive determinator of who pays taxes.
5.) This also discredits any reports that there is anyone who does not pay taxes simply because they do not fill out a tax form;
6.) "ANYONE" who buys a product, hires a service, rents, buys gas, or other from anyone or ANY entity who considers his own taxation so to establish a price he will receive for that product or service so to be able to pay it, which ANY business man does, PAYS TAXES;
7.) "ANYONE who does ANYTHING" to spend money within the United States "PAYS TAXES";
8.) Those end users of the system will pay the highest percentage of their earnings in this way, as they will be unable to Write-off the tax or transfer it elsewhere onto the price of products etc.
9.) This is why taxing "WHO" pays the tax, instead of limiting to "WHAT" the tax is supposed to be collected for, simply does not work;
10.) Regulation and FLAT percentage taxes, on sales or income, guaranteeing a percentage to government without oversight and consent BEFORE giving it, simply empowers Government and Exclusive privileges and creates waste.
11.) It also flies in the face of those who "attempt to establish" that all illegal aliens do not pay taxes, which "IN FACT THOSE THAT LIVE AND WORK HERE DO";
If they rent, buy products, buy gas, by food or any liquid such as milk or soft drinks or anything while they are here, >>>>THEY ARE PAYING THE "BURDEN OF TAXATION" ATTACHED TO THOSE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES.
This is not to say that they should be misusing our laws, it simply establishes a gross misstatement that all aliens, or that anyone that does not pay taxes simply because they do not make out a "income tax form" does not pay taxes. A complete lie;
12.) These type statements derail the American public as to the real problem; and that is not abiding by the Constitutional way taxation is suppose to be; DIRECT CONSENSUAL TAXATION FOR ONLY THOSE THINGS THE GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN DELEGATED TO TAX THE PEOPLE FOR.
Virginia Ratifying Convention 6-16-1788
Mr. PENDLETON. "Mr. Chairman, this clause does "NOT" give Congress power to impede the operation of ANY PART of the Constitution, (N)or to make >>>"ANY REGULATION" that may affect the interests of the citizens of the Union >>>"AT LARGE".
Mr. GEORGE NICHOLAS,: "....He endeavored to show the committee that it only empowered Congress to make such laws as would be necessary to enable them to >>>>pay the public debts and >>>>provide for the common defence;
<> that this "GENERAL WELFARE" was united, >>>>"NOT" to "the general power of legislation", but to the <>particular power<> of laying and collecting taxes, imposts, and excises, for the purpose of paying the debts and providing for the "common defence",
that is, that they could raise as much money as would pay the (1) debts and provide for the (2) "common defence",
>>>>>"in consequence of THIS power".
The clause which was affectedly called the sweeping clause contained >>>"NO new grant of power".
To illustrate this position, he observed that, if it had been added at the end of every one of the enumerated powers, instead of being inserted at the end of all, it would be obvious to any one that it was "NO" augmentation of power. If, for instance, at the end of the clause granting power to lay and collect taxes, it had been added that they should have power to make necessary and proper laws to lay and collect taxes, who could suspect it to be an addition of power?
As it would grant "NO" new power if inserted at the end of each clause, it could not when subjoined to the whole...."
It was clear to the Founder's, that FEDERAL TAXES CAN BE COLLECTED FOR TWO THINGS ONLY!!!!
Review the CONSTITUTIONAL way to collect Taxes that removes costly REGULATION costs, LEGAL and INCARCERATION costs and COMPLIANCE costs:
Learn More:
The "A" or Anonymity Tax system is a Constitutionally correct tax:
See also 2006 and 2009 newsletters regarding Founder's warnings 6-16-1788 of government granting " Exclusive Privileges".
US Military Armed Forces Base Directory:
Army Major Commands, Army Major Commands AMC U.S. Army Material Command located in Fort Belvior, VA. The official web site is www.amc.army.mil AMC is the Army's premier provider of materiel readiness to the total force across the spectrum of joint military operations. If a soldier shoots it, drives it, flies it, wears it or eats it, AMC provides it.
MTMC U.S. Army Military Traffic Management Command located on Alexandria, VA. The official website is www.mtmc.army.mil MTMC is the Department of Defense's heavy-equipment mover for contingency, training and humanitarian operations.
MEDCOM U.S. Army Medical Command located at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The official website is www.armymedicine.army.mil MEDCOM projects and sustains a healthy and medically protected force; trains, equips, and deploys the medical force; and manages and promotes the health of soldiers and military families.
USARPAC U.S. Army Pacific located at Fort Shafter, Hawaii. The official website is www.usarpac.army.mil USARPAC provides trained and ready forces in support of military and peacetime operations in the Asia-Pacific area in order to contribute to regional stability, crisis response and decisive victory.
FORSCOM U.S. Army Forces Command located at Fort McPherson, Georgia. The official website is www.forscom.army.mil The Army component of U.S. Joint Forces Command, FORSCOM trains, mobilizes, deploys and sustains active and reserve component forces capable of operating in joint and combined environments to meet worldwide operational commitments.
USASOC U.S. Army Special Operations Command located at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The official website is www.soc.mil USASOC organizes, trains, educates, mans, equips, funds, administers, mobilizes, deploys and sustains Army special operations forces to successfully conduct worldwide special operations across the range of military operations, in support of regional combatant commanders, American ambassadors and other agencies, as directed.
USARSO U.S. Army, South located at Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico. The official website is www.usarso.army.mil USARSO commands and controls Army forces in the U.S. Southern Command area of responsibility and provides theater support for Army forces and headquarters as directed by the USSSOUTHCOM commander in chief. USARSO will become a major subordinate command of FORSCOM and move to Fort Sam Houston, Texas, during fiscal year 2003.
TRADOC U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command located at Fort Monroe, Virginia. The official website is www.tradoc.army.mil TRADOC shapes the 21st-century Army by training and educating its soldiers and leaders while sustaining the shared vision of how the Army operates as a member of joint service, combined arms and multinational teams.
CID U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command located at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. The official website is www.cid.army.mil CID is the Army's criminal investigative organization and conducts investigations in which the Army is or may be a party of interest. CID provides senior leader protective-services and forensic laboratory support to investigations; maintains the Army's criminal records; provides logistical security from factory to foxhole; conducts computer network intrusion investigations; and develops countermeasures to criminal and subversive activity.
INSCOM U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command located at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. The official website is www.inscom.army.mil INSCOM conducts dominant intelligence, security and information operations for commanders and national decision-makers, and provides warfighters with the seamless intelligence needed to understand and dominate the battlefield.
SMDC U.S. Space and Missile Defense Command located in Arlington, Virginia. The official website is www.smdc.army.mil SDMC develops and provides space and missile-defense capabilities for the Army and the nation.
EUSA Eight U.S. Army located in Yongsan, Korea. The official website is http://8tharmy.korea.army.mil EUSA supports deterrence of North Korean aggression against the Republic of Korea and, should deterrence fail, supports noncombatant-evacuation operations and transitions to hostilities as it generates combat power to support the United Nations Command and Combined Forces Command response.
USAREUR U.S. Army, Europe located at Heidelberg, Germany. The official website is www.hqusareur.army.mil As America's Army in Europe, USAREUR is structured and trained as a versatile and agile power-projection force, ready for joint and multinational operations, and committed to providing for the readiness and well being of its soldiers, civilians and families.
USASCE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers located in Washington, D.C. The official website is www.usace.army.mil USACE provides quality, responsive engineering services to the Army, Department of Defense and the nation.
MDW U.S. Army Military District of Washington located at Fort McNair, Washington, D.C. The official website is www.mdw.army.mil MDW responds to crisis, disaster or security requirements in the National Capital Region; provides base operations support for defense organizations throughout the NCR, including operation of Arlington National Cemetery; and conducts official ceremonies on behalf of the nation's civilian and military leaders.
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Pacific Command (PACOM) Current Order of Battle:
Pacific Command - U.S. Army Pacific 8th U.S. Army - 25th Infantry Division (Light) - 6th Cavalry Brigade - U.S. Army Japan - 17th Aviation Brigade - U.S. Army Alaska - 164th ATS Group - 18th Medical Command - 19th Theater Support Command - 2nd Infantry Division (Light)
Base Barracks Pacific Command (PACOM) HQ Honolulu,HI Camp Smith U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC) HQ Bat Honolulu,HI Fort Shafter 45.SuppGr Wahiawa/Oahu,HI Schofield Bks 68.MedCo (AA)/524.SB UH-60A Wahiawa/Oahu,HI Wheeler AAF B.Co/214.Av(M)/524.SB CH-47D Wahiawa/Oahu,HI Wheeler AAF 25th Infantry Division (Light) "Tropic Lightning" HQ Co Wahiawa/Oahu,HI Schofield Bks DivSuppCom Wahiawa/Oahu,HI Schofield Bks C.Co/25.Av (AVIM) no helicopter assigned Wahiawa/Oahu,HI Wheeler AAF AvBrig Wahiawa/Oahu,HI Schofield Bks 1.Bat/25.Av (ATK) OH-58D(R) Wahiawa/Oahu,HI Wheeler AAF 2.Bat/25.Av (AHB) Wahiawa/Oahu,HI Wheeler AAF 2.Bat/25.Av/A.Co (AHC) UH-60L Wahiawa/Oahu,HI Wheeler AAF 2.Bat/25.Av/B.Co (AHC) UH-60L Wahiawa/Oahu,HI Wheeler AAF 2.Bat/25.Av/C.Co (CMD) UH-60A,EH-60C,OH-58D Wahiawa/Oahu,HI Wheeler AAF 2.Bat/25.Av/D.Co (AVUM) Wahiawa/Oahu,HI Wheeler AAF 3.Sq/4.Cav OH-58D(R) Wahiawa/Oahu,HI Schofield Bks G.Co/58.Av (ATS) Wahiawa/Oahu,HI Wheeler AAF Back to Top
U.S. Army Japan (USARJ) HQ Co Sagamihara,Japan Camp Zama 9.TSC Sagamihara,Japan Camp Zama 78.AvBat (CMD) Sagamihara,Japan Camp Zama/Kastner AAF 78.AvBat/A.Co C-12F, UH-60A Sagamihara,Japan Camp Zama/Kastner AAF 78.AvBat/D.Co Sagamihara,Japan Camp Zama/Kastner AAF
U.S. Army Alaska (USARAK) HQ Anchorage,AK Fort Richardson ArcticSuppBrig Anchorage,AK Fort Richardson 4.Bat/123.Av (TA) Fairbanks,AK Fort Wainwright/Ladd AAF 4.Bat/123.Av/B.Co (MHC) CH-47D Fairbanks,AK Fort Wainwright/Ladd AAF 4.Bat/123.Av/D.Co (AHC) UH-60A Fairbanks,AK Fort Wainwright/Ladd AAF C.Co/123.Av (AVIM) UH-60A, CH-47D Fairbanks,AK Fort Wainwright/Ladd AAF 68.MedDet (AA) UH-60A Fairbanks,AK Fort Wainwright/Ladd AAF 129.MedDet (AA) UH-1V Anchorage,AK Fort Richardson/Bryant AAF USAG Fort Greely/AvDet UH-1H Delta Junction,AK Fort Greely/Allen AAF Back to Top 8th U.S. Army (EUSA) HQ Yongsan,RoK Yongsan Main Post 1 6.CavBrig (Air) Pyongtaek,RoK Camp Humphreys/Desiderio AAF 1.Sq/6.Cav (ATK) AH-64A Hoengsong,RoK Camp Eagle 3.Sq/6.Cav (ATK) AH-64D Pyongtaek,RoK Camp Humphreys/Desiderio AAF 17.AvBrig (TA) Yongsan,RoK Yongsan Main Post 1 1.Bat/52.Av (CMD) Songnam,RoK Seoul AB 1.Bat/52.Av/A.Co (CS) UH-60A Songnam,RoK Seoul AB 1.Bat/52.Av/B.Co (CS) UH-60A Songnam,RoK Seoul AB 1.Bat/52.Av/C.Co (CS) UH-60A Songnam,RoK Seoul AB 1.Bat/52.Av/D.Co (AVUM) Songnam,RoK Seoul AB 2.Bat/52.Av (MHB) Pyongtaek,RoK Camp Humphreys/Desiderio AAF 2.Bat/52.Av/A.Co (M) CH-47D Pyongtaek,RoK Camp Humphreys/Desiderio AAF 2.Bat/52.Av/B.Co (M) CH-47D Pyongtaek,RoK Camp Humphreys/Desiderio AAF 6.Bat/52.Av/A.Co (TA) C-12F Songnam,RoK Seoul AB Back to Top 164.ATSGr (ATS) Yongsan,RoK Yongsan Main Post 2 B.Co/58.Av (ATS) Uijongbu,RoK Camp Red Cloud B.Co/58.Av/1.Pl (ATS) Chunchon,RoK Camp Page B.Co/58.Av/Tower (ATS) Pyongtaek,RoK Camp Humphreys/Desiderio AAF B.Co/58.Av/Tower (ATS) Taegu,RoK Camp Walker B.Co/58.Av/Radar (ATS) Suwon,RoK Madison RadioSite D.Co/58.Av (ATS) Yongsan,RoK Yongsan Main Post 2 D.Co/58.Av/2.Pl (ATS) Pyongtaek,RoK Camp Humphreys/Desiderio AAF D.Co/58.Av/Tower (ATS) Uijongbu,RoK Camp Stanley/Cochran AAF D.Co/58.Av/Tower (ATS) Tongduchon-Ni,RoK Camp Casey D.Co/58.Av/Tower (ATS) Uijongbu,RoK Camp LaGuardia 18.MedCom Yongsan,RoK Yongsan South Post 1 52.MedBat (Evac) Yongsan,RoK Yongsan South Post 1 377.MedCo (AA) UH-60A Pyongtaek,RoK Camp Humphreys/Desiderio AAF 377.MedCo/Det.1 (AA) UH-60A Taegu,RoK Camp Walker 542.MedCo (AA) UH-60A Chunchon,RoK Camp Page 542.MedCo/Det.1 (AA) UH-60A Tongduchon-Ni,RoK Camp Casey 19.TSC Taegu,RoK Camp Henry C.Co/52.Av (AVIM) UH-60A Pyongtaek,RoK Camp Humphreys/Desiderio AAF G.Co/52.Av (AVIM) UH-60A Hoengsong,RoK Camp Eagle Back to Top
2nd Infantry Division (Light) "Warriors" HQ Co Uijongbu,RoK Camp Red Cloud DivSuppCom Tongduchon-Ni,RoK Camp Casey C.Co/2.Av (AVIM) no helicopter assigned Uijongbu,RoK Camp Stanley/Cochran AAF 2.AvBrig Uijongbu,RoK Camp Stanley/Cochran AAF 1.Bat/2.Av (ATK) AH-64D Chunchon,RoK Camp Page 2.Bat/2.Av (AHB) Uijongbu,RoK Camp Stanley/Cochran AAF 2.Bat/2.Av/A.Co (AHC) UH-60L Uijongbu,RoK Camp Stanley/Cochran AAF 2.Bat/2.Av/B.Co (AHC) UH-60L Uijongbu,RoK Camp Stanley/Cochran AAF 2.Bat/2.Av/C.Co (CMD) UH-60A,EH-60C,OH-58D Uijongbu,RoK Camp Stanley/Cochran AAF 2.Bat/2.Av/D.Co (AVUM) Uijongbu,RoK Camp Stanley/Cochran AAF 4.Sq/7.Cav Munsan,RoK Camp Garry Owen 4.Sq/7.Cav/D.Trp (ACT) OH-58D Tonggo-Ri,RoK Camp Stanton 4.Sq/7.Cav/E.Trp (ACT) OH-58D Tonggo-Ri,RoK Camp Stanton 4.Sq/7.Cav/F.Trp (AVUM) Tonggo-Ri,RoK Camp Stanton Back to Top
AA = Air Ambulance AAF = Army Airfield
ACT = Air Cavalry Troop AE = Aerial Exploitation AHC = Assault helicopter company ATK = Attack ATS = Air traffic service AvSuppBat = Aviation support battalion AVUM = Aviation unit maintenance AVIM = Aviation intermediate maintenance Bks = Barracks CAC = Command and control CMD = Command Evac = Evacuation GSAB = General support aviation battalion M = Medium helicopter MI = Military intelligence RC = Reserve component SAC = Support aviation company
United States Army Pacific Command (USARPAC). The U. S. Army, Pacific serves as the Army Component Command to the Commander in Chief U. S. Pacific Command (USCINCPAC), less the geographic area of Korea. USARPAC commands active U. S. Army and U. S. Army Reserve forces in Alaska, Hawaii, Japan, and in possessions and trust territories administered by the United States in US Pacific command.
In October 2000, USARPAC became a Multi-Component Unit (MCU) and Army Service Component Command (ASCC) as part of the US Army transformation to meet the emerging security needs of the United States in which USARPAC continues to be a key strategic player. The whole idea of the multi-component unit is to give active army units additional resources to accomplish the mission. The multi-component integration is important in the overall picture of the Army's success going into the 21st century. With the Reserve and National Guard assuming a more active role in total Army operations and the "One Team, One Fight, One Future" concept, multi-component integration provides for a better understanding of each component's role in achieving victory.
USARPAC trains Army Forces for support of military operations and peacetime engagements in order to contribute to decisive victory and promote regional stability. USARPAC solicits, awards, and administers contracts in support of mission-related requirements, including administrative supplies and services, waste disposal, food services, minor construction, facilities, maintenance and repair, grounds maintenance, ADP equipment and services, and laundry services.
Following World War II, numerous Army headquarters in the central Pacific were consolidated with the goal of forming a single Army command based in Hawaii. In 1957, the U.S. Army, Pacific (USARPAC) was established at Fort Shafter, following inactivation of the Far East Command. As Army component of the unified command led by the U.S. Commander in Chief Pacific, USARPAC was assigned a threefold mission: Provide necessary ground Army combat forces; Support those forces administratively and logistically; and Provide reserves and contingency plans to meet any ground threat to United States interests in the Pacific.
On March 23, 1979, The Department of the Army announced the establishment of the U.S. Army Western Command (WESTCOM). Then, a decade later, U.S. Army forces in the Pacific were further consolidated. Army units in Alaska and in Japan were placed under the command of the Fort Shafter headquarters, which was once again designated U.S. Army, Pacific. The new command was formally reestablished on August 30, 1990.
In the years since the end of the Vietnam War, Army forces in the Pacific have participated in major peacekeeping operations in the Sinai Desert, and have provided humanitarian and disaster relief missions in Bangladesh, the Philippines, Guam, and the island of Kauai.
Although fully trained for warfare, USARPAC soldiers are also skilled in conducting operations other than war. Whether it is assuring order among refugees at Guantanamo, providing flood relief in the deltas of South Asia, or maintaining a cease fire in the Middle East, USARPAC personnel operate far and wide in peacekeeping and humanitarian missions. In late 1994, fully one half of the 25th Infantry Division deployed to Haiti as the United States and other governments worked to restore democracy to that unfortunate nation. Two years later, USARPAC peacekeepers went to Bosnia to help restore hope to that warshattered land.
Joint Rear Area Coordination (JRAC)
The United States Army Pacific (USARPAC), in partnership with local, state and federal authorities, have developed a plan of preparedness for the state of Hawaii. The Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Command, has identified the USARPAC as the executive agent for joint rear area coordination (JRAC). This task is normally accomplished in a wartime theater of operation, but in this case, it is being accomplished for the state of Hawaii. Teaming with local and state civil organizations and federal agencies, JRAC-Hawaii (HI) has accomplished a significant amount in the short time since Sept. 11.
JRAC-HI is protecting its military installations by reducing and restricting entry points using roving patrols. Guard duties have completely changed. Guards must now understand the changing dynamics of a more dangerous world, and must learn to expect the unexpected. Military installations worldwide are now on the front lines and are the subject of surveillance and probes more than ever before. Guards must be more alert to activities both on and off the installations, and they must constantly vary security procedure patterns to eliminate predictability. They must also be linked to local law enforcement and must be the beneficiaries — and target audience — of a regular joint and interagency intelligence summary. Because of these changing conditions, JRAC-HI reinstituted more formalized guard mounts and instructions — tailored to the current operational environment.
JRAC-HI has identified mission essential or vulnerable areas (MEVAs) both on and off the installations. MEVAs are facilities and capabilities essential to accomplishing the military mission. These MEVAs have been thoroughly assessed and security needs addressed. Tailored after general defense plan (GDP) battle books from the Cold War in Europe, MEVA folders detail every aspect relevant to the defense of these critical sites. Local civil authorities have done the same with over 150 of their own MEVAs and both the civil and military authorities regularly conduct site surveys.
JRAC-HI has fine-tuned procedures for providing military support to civil authorities (MSCA) in the event of a natural or man-made disaster. As the executive agent for MSCA in Hawaii, American Samoa, and neighboring islands, JRAC-HI provides a defense-coordinating officer to coordinate military support of civilian consequence management operations. Even before Sept. 11, JRAC-HI maintained a close relationship with local and state government leaders, who can leverage many standing MSCA concepts and plans as the JRAC operation comes together. JRAC-HI's participation in steering committees and plenary groups, such as the Hawaii Emergency Preparedness Executive Committee, the Hawaii Energy Council and the Joint Armed Services/State of Hawaii Civil Defense Coordinating Committee, is instrumental in sharing information and developing joint and civil-military solutions to emerging challenges.
JRAC-HI has established quick reaction forces (QRFs) drawn from both U.S. Marine Corps and Army units. These QRFs are capable of moving on short notice by air or road to any place in the state to provide additional security or to assist in any other way. While awaiting adjudication at the national level on the procedures for employing those forces in domestic situations, JRAC-HI is regularly conducting joint training with civil authorities.
JRAC-HI has worked to identify seams in its collective efforts to secure Hawaii's soil and people. This coordination is taking place with all the military services in Hawaii, state and local civil defense (CD), U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), National Guard (NG), Honolulu Police Department (HPD), fire departments, and a host of other local and federal government agencies such as the state health and transportation departments. Also included in this effort are the FBI, Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), U.S. Customs Service (USCS) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), as well as selected private firms and enterprises involved in supporting Hawaii's critical infrastructure. The Joint Interagency Planning Group, established by USARPAC within days of the attacks, has been the principal driver behind this effort.

"If ever time should come, When vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, Our Country will stand in need of it's experienced Patriots to prevent it's ruin" ...Samuel Adams |